This site is dedicated to the three great adventurers, Ally, Arthur and their dog Hoover. Their latest adventures are documented in the beautifully illustrated children's book entitled Our Magic Bunk Bed. Please give it a read on your Kindle device or Kindle app, your kids will thank you for it.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


As soon as I released the kindle version of Our Magic Bunk Bed, people started bugging me to make a hard copy. After much frustration trying to reformat the book, and trying to get it ready, today I finally made a paperback version available. I was hoping to get this done in plenty of time for the holidays. You can get the paperback version here:

I really hope you guys like it.  Even you if you don't, it has been rewarding for me to do, but I hope other people can get something out of it as well.  On that subject, if any of you are interested in publishing your own book, please ask me about it.  There are SO many things that I know now that I wish I had known before.  Now that I have learned the hard way, I feel like I could make another one much easier.  

This book has occupied a ton of my time over the last few months, so I think I will take a break from working on it for a little while.  In the future, however, I might just publish a bigger version with a hard cover.  I think some of the illustrations deserve that level of presentation (maybe that is just me).  Stay tuned on that one, though.  It will be a lot more work, once again, so I am not quite ready to jump in yet.  

In the meantime, I will enjoy reading this bedtime story with my kids.  They seem to enjoy it.  Probably the coolest thing about creating the book is seeing my older kids read it to my little ones.  Hopefully the story about the older siblings will someday inspire many bedtime adventures for the younger ones.